February 9, 2025

There is a Fountain

There is a fountain filled with blood

Drawn from Immanuel’s veins;

And sinners, plunged beneath that flood

Lose all their guilty stains (x3)

And sinners, plunged beneath that flood

Lose all their guilty stains

The dying thief rejoiced to see

That fountain in his day

And there may I, though vile as he

Wash all my sins away (x3)

And there may I, though vile as he,

Wash all my sins away.

Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious blood

Shall never lose its power

Till all the ransomed ones of God

Be saved, to sin no more (x3)

Till all the ransomed ones of God

Be saved to sin no more

E’er since by faith I saw the stream

Thy flowing wounds supply

Redeeming love has been my theme

And shall be till I die (x3)

Redeeming love has been my theme

And shall be till I die

When this poor lisping, stammering tongue

Lies silent in the grave

Then in a nobler, sweeter song

I’ll sing Thy power to save (x3)

Then in a nobler, sweeter song

I’ll sing Thy power to save

Christ is Mine Forevermore

Mine are days that God has numbered

I was made to walk with Him

Yet I look for worldly treasure

And forsake the King of kings

But mine is hope in my Redeemer

Though I fall, his love is sure

For Christ has paid for every failing

I am His forevermore

Mine are tears in times of sorrow

Darkness not yet understood

Through the valley I must travel

Where I see no earthly good

But mine is peace that flows from heaven

And the strength in times of need

I know my pain will not be wasted

Christ completes his work in me

Mine are days here as a stranger

Pilgrim on a narrow way

One with Christ I will encounter

Harm and hatred for his name

But mine is armour for this battle

Strong enough to last the war

And he has said he will deliver

Safely to the golden shore

And mine are keys to Zion city

Where beside the King I walk

For there my heart has found its treasure

Christ is mine forevermore

Come rejoice now, Oh my soul

For his love is my reward

Fear is gone and hope is sure

Christ is mine forevermore!

Goodness of God

I love You, Lord

Your mercy never fails me

All my days, I've been held in Your hands

From the moment that I wake up

Until I lay my head

I will sing of the goodness of God

All my life You have been faithful

All my life You have been so so good

With every breath that I am able

I will sing of the goodness of God

I love Your voice

You have led me through the fire

In darkest night You are close like no other

I've known You as a Father

I've known You as a Friend

I have lived in the goodness of God

All my life You have been faithful

All my life You have been so so good

With every breath that I am able

I will sing of the goodness of God

Your goodness is running after

It's running after me

Your goodness is running after

It's running after me

With my life laid down

I'm surrendered now

I give You everything

Your goodness is running after

It's running after me

All my life You have been faithful

All my life You have been so so good

With every breath that I am able

I will sing of the mercies of God

God Is For Us

We won't fear the battle, we won't fear the night

We will walk the valley with You by our side

You will go before us, You will lead the way

We have found a refuge, only You can save

Sing with joy now, our God is for us

The Father's love is a strong and mighty fortress

Raise your voice now, no love is greater

Who can stand against us if our God is for us

Even when I stumble, even when I fall

Even when I turn back, still Your love is sure

You will not abandon, You will not forsake

You will cheer me onward with never-ending grace

Sing with joy now, our God is for us

The Father's love is a strong and mighty fortress

Raise your voice now, no love is greater

Who can stand against us if our God is for us

Neither height nor depth can separate us

Hell and death will not defeat us

He who gave His son to free us

Holds me in His love


Sing with joy now, our God is for us

The Father's love is a strong and mighty fortress

Raise your voice now, no love is greater

Who can stand against us if our God is for us


We Are More Than Conquerors

When my hope and strength is gone

You’re the one Who calls me on

You are the life, You are the fight

That’s in my soul

Oh Your resurrection power

Burns like fire in my heart

When waters rise, I lift my eyes

Up to Your throne

We are more than conquerors through Christ

You have overcome this world, this life

We will not bow to sin nor to shame

We are defiant in Your name

You are the fire that cannot be tamed

You are the power in our veins

Our Lord, our God, our Conqueror

I will sing into the night

Christ is risen and on high

Greater is He living in me

Than in the world

No surrender, no retreat

We are free and we’re redeemed

We will declare over despair

You are the Hope

We are more than conquerors through Christ

You have overcome this world, this life

We will not bow to sin nor to shame

We are defiant in Your name

You are the fire that cannot be tamed

You are the power in our veins

Our Lord, our God, our Conqueror


Nothing is impossible

Every chain is breakable

With You we are victorious

You are stronger than our hearts

You are greater than the dark

With You we are victorious


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