Bless the Lord oh my soul
Oh my soul
Worship His holy name
Sing like never before
Oh my soul
I’ll worship Your holy name
The sun comes up
It’s a new day dawning
It’s time to sing Your song again
Whatever may pass
And whatever lies before me
Let me be singing
When the evening comes
Bless the Lord oh my soul
Oh my soul
Worship His holy name
Sing like never before
Oh my soul
I’ll worship Your holy name
You’re rich in love
And You’re slow to anger
Your name is great
And Your heart is kind
For all Your goodness
I will keep on singing
Ten thousand reasons
For my heart to find
Bless the Lord oh my soul
Oh my soul
Worship His holy name
Sing like never before
Oh my soul
I’ll worship Your holy name
And on that day
When my strength is failing
The end draws near
And my time has come
Still my soul will
Sing Your praise unending
Ten thousand years
And then forevermore
Bless the Lord oh my soul
Oh my soul
Worship His holy name
Sing like never before
Oh my soul
I’ll worship Your holy name
The love of God is greater far
Than tongue or pen can ever tell
It goes beyond the highest star
And reaches to the lowest hell
The wand'ring child is reconciled
By God's beloved Son
The aching soul again made whole
And priceless pardon won
Oh love of God, how rich and pure
How measureless and strong
It shall forevermore endure
The saints' and angels' song
When ancient time shall pass away
And human thrones and kingdoms fall
When those who here refuse to pray
On rocks and hills and mountains call
God's love so sure, shall still endure
All measureless and strong
Grace will resound the whole earth round
The saints' and angels' song
Oh love of God, how rich and pure
How measureless and strong
It shall forevermore endure
The saints' and angels' song
Could we with ink the ocean fill
And were the skies of parchment made
Were ev’ry stalk on earth a quill
And ev’ryone a scribe by trade
To write the love of God above
Would drain the ocean dry
Nor could the scroll contain the whole
Though stretched from sky to sky
Oh love of God, how rich and pure
How measureless and strong
It shall forevermore endure
The saints' and angels' song
I love You, Lord
Your mercy never fails me
All my days, I've been held in Your hands
From the moment that I wake up
Until I lay my head
I will sing of the goodness of God
All my life You have been faithful
All my life You have been so so good
With every breath that I am able
I will sing of the goodness of God
I love Your voice
You have led me through the fire
In darkest night You are close like no other
I've known You as a Father
I've known You as a Friend
I have lived in the goodness of God
All my life You have been faithful
All my life You have been so so good
With every breath that I am able
I will sing of the goodness of God
Your goodness is running after
It's running after me
Your goodness is running after
It's running after me
With my life laid down
I'm surrendered now
I give You everything
Your goodness is running after
It's running after me
All my life You have been faithful
All my life You have been so so good
With every breath that I am able
I will sing of the mercies of God
I cast my mind to Calvary
Where Jesus bled and died for me
I see His wounds, His hands, His feet
My Saviour on that cursed tree
His body bound and drenched in tears
They laid Him down in Joseph's tomb
The entrance sealed by heavy stone
Messiah still and all alone
Oh praise the name of the Lord our God
Oh praise His name forevermore
For endless days we will sing Your praise
Oh Lord, oh Lord our God
And then on the third at break of dawn
The Son of heaven rose again
Oh trampled death where is your sting?
The angels roar for Christ the King
Oh praise the name of the Lord our God
Oh praise His name forevermore
For endless days we will sing Your praise
Oh Lord, oh Lord our God
He shall return in robes of white
The blazing sun shall pierce the night
And I will rise among the saints
My gaze transfixed on Jesus' face
Oh praise the name of the Lord our God
Oh praise His name forever more
For endless days we will sing Your praise
Oh Lord, oh Lord our God
Oh Lord, oh Lord our God
Oh Lord, oh Lord our God
Speak Oh Lord as we come to You
To receive the food of Your holy Word
Take Your truth, plant it deep in us
Shape and fashion us in Your likeness
That the light of Christ might be seen today
In our acts of love and our deeds of faith
Speak Oh Lord and fulfill in us
All Your purposes for Your glory
Teach us, Lord, full obedience
Holy reverence, true humility
Test our thoughts and our attitudes
In the radiance of Your purity
Cause our faith to rise, cause our eyes to see
Your majestic love and authority
Words of pow'r that can never fail
Let their truth prevail over unbelief
Speak Oh Lord and renew our minds
Help us grasp the heights of Your plans for us
Truths unchanged from the dawn of time
That will echo down through eternity
And by grace, we'll stand on Your promises
And by faith, we'll walk as You walk with us
Speak Oh Lord 'til Your church is built
And the earth is filled with Your glory
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